This series is dedicated to exploring the idea of a Pentagon plan to demolish America and start over. It will explore the motives, players, and strategy of this theoretical plan.
Recently I’ve begun using the term “Pentagon Collapse Group” to refer to a hypothetical network of high-ranking officials within the US military who are secretly on a mission to destroy American institutions.

Whoever this group may be, they share a philosophy of “liberating” America from the international criminal cartel which has captured its institutions. The conspiracy, which I may simply call the “Syndicate”, is led by the CIA on behalf of the globalist bankers and their interest groups, while the Pentagon patiently watches their activity from afar like a hawk; or perhaps should I say, an eagle.
The Pentagon Collapse Group must wipe out the Syndicate, which means wiping out the institutions they control. This is what “Q” called “The Storm”, and it’s what Trump still represents in theory.
With the right President, and the right emergency mandate, the traditional checks and balances of the government will vanish. This unleashes swift military retribution against the Syndicate, or what Trump called “the Swamp”. The Syndicate is much more vulnerable than they imagine. They rely on the ongoing tolerance and incompetence of our democratic republican system, and are increasingly hoping to rope in international partners to have their back if the Storm ever threatens to wash away the Syndicate Swamp. They have burrowed deeply into the fabric of the government and corporate worlds, but the military could crush them tomorrow if they wanted. The Pentagon Collapse Group is playing the long game, while the Syndicate is always scrambling to make its next move and cover its tracks.
America First
America’s safeguards, such as the Constitution, Supreme Court, Congress, and electoral college, are outdated. They no longer protect the republic from the Syndicate, so they have to go. After the war is over, whoever ends up on top controls the future, and gets to make new rules. The Pentagon has the upper hand in this fight, and I believe they are prepared to go all the way.
It sounds laudable. It would be better than the alternative, which is to steadily sink into deeper corruption, as tainted officials sell out their nation and cede authority to the globalists. The Pentagon Collapse Group genuinely believes in “America First”, but only as part of a New World Order they dominate. They want to be the lone superpower in a global federation, which is helpless to resist its objectives. It’s American Exceptionalism 2.0, modernized and ruthless in its imperialism. This is what Trump referred to when he said “I’m a nationalist and a globalist; I’m both.” He has since insisted that he’s only a nationalist, and not a globalist, and this is also accurate, because at the end of the day he does want America to be #1, and everyone else to fall in line. By shedding the dead weight of American liberalism and isolationism, the Pentagon Collapse Group wants to reshape the world into a true Pax Americana, where peace is enforced by an unchallenged empire of supremacy.
Mother of all omelettes
That’s the idea. But before we look at the people and evidence supporting this theory (which I’ll explore in subsequent installments), I’d like to show you a funny video game cutscene, if you don’t mind the profanity and violence. It’s from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (2013), one of the more exaggerated works of satire in the entertainment world. It may help the idea “click”.
Some of you may know that I used to write extensively on the Metal Gear video game franchise. The reason I became obsessed with the series was because it was a sharp Japanese commentary on America’s shadow government, including specific references to DARPA’s black projects and anti-democratic, imperialist philosophy. (If anyone should know the hypocrisy of American military idealism it’s Japan.)

For example, way back in 1998, the main plot of Metal Gear Solid incorporated:
DARPA’s black budget and avoidance of oversight committees
Injectable transhumanist gene therapy (tested on Gulf War soldiers)
Nanomachine colonies in the bloodstream (remotely controlled)
Custom-DNA assassination viruses (killing a target by getting in their proximity and infecting them, stopping their heart while the carrier is unaffected)
Cloning and genetically-modified super soldiers
The sequel to this game, which was written years prior to the September 11th, 2001 attacks (but released only two months after), climaxes with a terrorist group smashing a massive vessel into New York City, demolishing some of its most iconic buildings. And while the Twin Towers are not mentioned by name in the final cut, the vessel hits the same area, and the development team had to race to cut out any imagery of the city’s destruction before the game’s release. Its other themes included:
A conspiratorial shadow government controlling all major policy
Deep State double agents carrying out treasonous orders while compartmentalized and unaware of the bigger strategy
Artificial Intelligence hooked up to the Internet to harvest data, censor stories, and spin daily events to control public perception
The President being a perverted figurehead, too blackmailed to resist
A SEAL Team style group of patriots who are declared terrorists for trying to overthrow Wall Street and hijack the system
Neuralink-style Virtual Reality (complete with hallucinations)
That was all written before 9/11.
It was years before YouTube or social media even existed. And here we are in 2024, as people are finally catching up to its predictions. And before you say it, no this was not “predictive programming” by the elites, but an independent Japanese creator with connections to Japan’s naval intelligence, who must have had access to sensitive information decades ahead of time.
Now, with that said, I want to share that clip from the 2013 game, where a character named Senator Armstrong has carried out a false flag attack to lure America into a war, used child trafficking and organ harvesting to experiment with , private military companies, and civil war to collapse America, in order to fulfill a vision he has:
(If you’re wondering why he’s so insanely buff and his limbs turn black, it’s because he’s a transhumanist who loaded up on military nanomachines.) Of concern to us is this portion of his speech in particular:
“America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it. We need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. Burn it down! And from the ashes, a new America will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive—free to live as they see fit, and they will make America great again!”
—Senator Armstrong (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance)
Donald Trump only announced his presidential campaign in 2015, unveiling his “Make America Great Again” slogan — but here it is in a video game two years prior. (Trump had used the slogan in 2011, but he was not a candidate and it was not an official slogan then.) Yes the character is a Senator and not a business mogul, but the philosophy of Armstrong is shockingly accurate to the research I have found about the Pentagon Collapse Group. Burning down America’s rotten system to wipe the slate clean, purge the weak, and start over with anarchy for the masses.
I will continue the “Winter Christian” series in addition to this one. They overlap, but I feel the need to separate the two conversations because the Winter Christian analysis has its own hypothetical scenario(s) which aren’t predictions, but designed to provoke thoughts about what it means to be a Winter Christian in a world of collapse and psychological warfare. This series is more focused on the game being played, the players involved, and the evidence that there really is a plan to burn it down and rise from the ashes like a phoenix.
Looking forward to what you will put on the table with this one. I may not have played Metal Gear games, but this is interesting considering how many theories of the planned collapse are.
After all, the deep state isn’t what we think it is…
Fascinating! Can’t wait for part 2!