What you missed…
Every year, the United Nations holds a COP (“Conference of the Parties to the Convention”) in order to merge globalist lobbyists, fake science, and Big Government with a myriad of psychotic think tanks, NGOs, and military-grade psyops. As we already know, the big goal is to create a global governance framework in which all authority belongs to a Green Priesthood.
The COP conferences have been one of the main drivers of the Green Agenda, including a focus on depopulation, de-industrialization, and arbitrary fearmongering metrics designed to justify extreme and unscientific policies in every Western nation, down to very specific regulations and projects on a local level.
According to the official website: In the three decades since the Rio Summit and the launch of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Conference of the Parties to the Convention (COP) has convened member countries every year to determine ambition and responsibilities, and identify and assess climate measures. The 21st session of the COP (COP21) led to the Paris Agreement, which mobilized global collective action to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels by 2100, and to act to adapt to the already existing effects of climate change.
COP28 is going to begin on November 28, and feature a major “Faith Pavilion” for the first time, hosted by the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development.
Radical Leftist fringe Israeli NGO
What is the “Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development” (ICSD)? Judging by the name, sounds like you could expect all major religions to be working together on an ecological vision via some big committee. Here’s what their official website says:
Based in Jerusalem, ICSD is registered in Israel as a non-profit organization. ICSD is a partner organization of the International Partnership on Religion & Sustainable Development (PaRD), Olam Together, the Shine Campaign and a Cooperation Circle of United Religions International (URI).
We’ll get to those “partner organizations” in the next post.
Their main focus has been the Seminary Faith & Ecology Project, which is an advocacy campaign to pressure schools into becoming woke on climate change, pushing ecological rhetoric into theology. They’ve been developing syllabi and creating conferences to bring together various religions into the Green Agenda.
ICSD co-organizes conferences for seminary deans, faculty, and others on religion and ecology. The conferences help equip seminaries with the tools needed to prepare the next generation of religious leaders to effectively engage in Creation care and environmental justice.
“Environmental justice” means that nations, states, towns, and individuals lose their rights, but those Green Priests who speak on behalf of nature gain all the power to guide the economy of the world. In reality, I believe there is a quiet war happening between all woke religions to take over this takeover of civilization. Everyone wants to hold the reigns on behalf of the military interests backing them. The Jesuits have been very active in Canada for decades, training the Native Americans on how to assert themselves as the proper custodians of our massive natural resources. The Jesuit Pope Francis is fully on board with the Catholic Church becoming the head of the Green Agenda. But here we see an Israeli Jewish organization attempting to infiltrate and lead a coalition of faiths. Whether the ICSD has a pro-Zionist ultranationalist bent behind the scenes, or they go the other way and hope to turn Israel into a progressive melting pot, is impossible to know even if they appear to be hard Left outwardly.
Eco Bible
This is the same group responsible for the “Eco Bible”, a bold and blasphemous reinterpretation of the Bible as an ecological call to action.
While it’s true that mankind was given authority to conquer and tend the earth, Jesus Christ totally shifted the priority of our lives away from earthly sustainability, and towards God’s plan to judge this world and save a remnant for Himself. The real Bible says that this world has already been judged (John 12:31), that Jesus came to set it on fire (Luke 12:49), and that it will be totally evaporated into non-existence (Revelation 20:11). God will make a New Heaven and New Earth (Rev 21:1), and there will be no more reminders about the awful experiences of this one (Rev 21:4). We don’t need to worry about the ponds and plants today, we need to wage spiritual warfare against tyrannical global death cults like the Green Agenda!
Eco Bible is your guide to creating a more sustainable life in pursuit of recreating paradise here on earth.
“Recreating paradise on earth”? How about you do it in Israel first, Rabbi! End the wars, make peace with your neighbors, get rid of all fossil fuels in your big military, and turn Israel into a big green paradise — then we can talk about exporting your solutions to North America. This Jerusalem-based advocacy group is promising to create a Garden of Eden through pressure campaigns in guilt-ridden democratic states that enjoy things like air conditioning, heat, and red meat. COP28 will be their ultimate chance to shine.
COP28’s dangerous forecast
Too few people understand the significance of the COP events, but this year might finally be the chance to wake people up. Climate hysteria has been exposed, the fake science has collapsed, and people are sick of all the talk of “15 minute cities”, and other desperate attempts to hijack society in the name of reducing carbon. Here’s what the ICSD says about its role in the COP28:
The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD) is co-organizing a Faith Pavilion at COP28, together with the Muslim Council of Elders, the UN Environment Program’s Faith for Earth, and other partners. It will be the first-ever robust Faith Pavilion at a UN climate COP! The goal of the faith pavilion is to convene various senior religious leaders and influential ecologically-minded members of religious communities to further the role of religion and spirituality in the climate movement.
Let me break down my theory of what this group is aiming for. I’m now going to quote directly from their official website and add my thoughts.
The goals of the Faith Pavilion are to:
Inspire and unleash the power of religions, religious leaders, and faith communities as change agents for climate action. [Churches, temples, and mosques are supposed to mindlessly replace their normal liturgy with climate hysteria.]
Encourage religious leaders to engage in policy dialogue with and inspire climate ambition among political delegations. [Clergy are supposed to use their pulpits to bully and shame conservative political parties who don’t go along with Green madness.]
Highlight concrete actions by religious institutions and communities to curb climate change with measurable indicators and a monitoring mechanism. [All religious people are supposed to become obsessive informers, spies, and citizen journalists on behalf of the Green Priesthood, weaponizing carbon metrics for all local activity.]
Promote a global coalition of religious leaders working together for climate action. [A global religious Green conspiracy bent on genocide (ie. depopulation).]
Unify and maximize the collective action of faith actors present at COP 28. [Turn the UN assembly into even more of a Green-obsessed cult.]
Achieve a historic alignment of religious leaders behind a call for climate action designed to harness contributions at an individual and institutional levels as a response to the Global Stocktake and to build a greater sense of hope around COP 28. [Harvest untold sums of money from world elites to speed up the process of indoctrination through compromised religions.]
What you should do now
Share this post with people on social media, especially if you’re a Bible-believing Christian who knows that we’re currently in the age of the Fourth Rider of Revelation—the Green Horse—which is prophesied to kill 25% of the world:
And when He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come out!”
And I looked, and behold, a green horse, and the one sitting on it, the name of him was Death, and Hades was following with him. And authority was given to them over the fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, and with famine, and with plague, and by the beasts of the earth.
(Revelation 6:7-8)
Yes, the word normally translated “pale” is actually the Greek word “chloros”, which literally means “green”. It is used in other verses in the New Testament to refer to green plants, and its time for Christians to wake up, stop worrying about the distractions, and get ready for the onslaught of spiritual coordination that is going to take place at the highest levels to push for the Green World Order.
We cannot stop prophecy. We’re not even supposed to try. All we can do is prepare ourselves, our families, and our churches to behave properly and grow even bolder in our warfare against the deception of the Devil in the final days. If you want to know much more about how this will come together in the coming years, consider checking out my book on the subject:
Thankfully, we have made a lot of progress already, so I know for a fact that we can make a difference. My TikTok account was a huge success in that effort years ago, in raising awareness of Climate Lockdowns, which has made it very awkward for them to implement it, or 15-minute cities. Instead, they’ve resorted to good old fashioned hyperinflation, as well as destroying our critical infrastructure in the name of progress. They are now collapsing the economy so that we simply can’t afford to have anything; they don’t need to lock us down if we’re all broke and begging for relief.
My goal was never to prevent the Green Rider from its mission, but to raise so much awareness that their agenda would become obvious, and Christians would stand up to proclaim that now is the time to get right with God, not cling to false political hopes and evil New Age Oneness theology, or any of the other deceptions being rolled into this gigantic Green World Order.
On one hand, we’re supposed to be stewards of the earth we live in.
On the other hand, you have the fear mongers of the New Age Green Priesthood.
Thanks for the article 👍
Should we even invest our time telling unbelievers about the hoax of climate change? (in reference to those non-believers who buy it).
or just strengthen our fellow Christians as you've stated?