What you missed…
The global digital control grid is becoming painfully obvious to all but the most head-in-the-sand NPCs by now. These plans are creating massive backlash, but instead of questioning why they’re doing everything so openly, people think it’s a genuine march toward high-tech dystopia with no deeper strategy.
Backlash is leading to rapid sharing of farming and engineering techniques to divest from the corporate world and incorporate new technology with old traditions. This is fostering neo-paganism and an apocalyptic mindset.
Collapse seems inevitable any day now, but nobody is talking realistically about how it will be used to merge the technocratic plans with populism.
Question: Can we escape the next-generation control grid?
Clearly, some version of it is already emerging around us, piece by piece, and will continue to involve massive surveillance and artificial intelligence data-processing models, digital IDs for every person, biometric checkpoints everywhere, central bank digital currencies as the only accepted money, and a slew of other high-tech monitoring and regulating systems that work together using the Internet.
Answer: Yes, if we unplug from the system
…or hack it to the point where it’s useless. Living off the grid, returning to the soil and the forests, and becoming self-reliant. To suddenly return to a traditional homesteading lifestyle requires many things. For one, we need physical land and the ability to protect it. We also need a deep, existential bond between men and women—as husbands and wives—to work together through thick and thin, with family commitments, cooperation, and extended communities chipping in rather than competing. We also need spiritual sanity, to keep the whole thing from devolving over time.
However: You don’t get that there’s only one path forward, but two stories about what’s happening
One story is about the heroic breakaway pioneers, rejecting the globalist’s plans and surviving off the grid. They are spiritually-grounded grassroots leaders who possess the skills and wherewithal to escape the system and save themselves and their loved ones. The other story is about a benevolent ruling class of technocratic stakeholders, gently pushing mankind into better habits, destroying everything “unnecessary” that modern society stands for and “building it back better”.
Neither side wants you to realize that it’s a mirror of the other.
What is the Age of Aquarius?
Everything about today is summed up in one word: “unsustainable”. This is only true because our core systems are being sabotaged constantly, of course. You can tell that the elite are trying to collapse the world because they keep promoting “sustainability”. Everything they say is an inversion of reality.
We have wonderful modern systems that could last for centuries if we prioritized optimization and consumer rights, but this does not fit the Aquarian Conspiracy agenda. H.G. Wells portrayed the future as a race to hollow out the precious minerals of the world and build a technological wonderland that would deplete all natural resources and kill the surface of the planet. The only remaining option would be to shoot for the stars.1
That never happened. As engineering got better, so did the management of global resources. Fuel efficiency, refineries, plastics, and designs everywhere became advanced enough that the modern world could hum along beautifully. That’s even without employing nuclear energy or ultra-efficient hydrolysis. Not even the profit-seeking of investors created the need for destructive systems. The best technologies are suppressed under the guise of national security.
But for the darkest elements of the social engineering class the point was never prosperity. Free markets and a thriving capitalist system was always meant to shift into “oligarchical collectivism”, as George Orwell phrased it in 1984. This is the merger of business and government, where representative government and Constitutional rights are replaced with a revolving door of lobbyists, financiers, and technocrats who run society from board rooms and laboratories. Friend of H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, dreamed of a future run by scientists who would constantly be tinkering with eugenics and even artificial plagues that would wipe out all the less desirable in society. That’s what we’re seeing today, but it’s only the prelude to the real endgame, which is the Aquarian Age.
The Age of Aquarius is the ultimate vision of the Satanic overlords. They want what I call Spiritual Technocracy, where free society is collapsed in a frenzy of confusion, rage, and inequality, and with it rationality is destroyed, so that a new religion can dominate the next generation. In their Luciferian, theosophical interpretation, “Aquarius” is a golden age ushered in by shedding dead weight, eliminating the unneeded, and culling the weak. All institutions, traditions, and systems that have remnants of popular control must be eliminated, so that they are free to radically reinvent themselves as tools of these spiritual masters, making any hope of an uprising or surprise impossible. But it needs to be sold as something else to the public. That’s why there are two stories being told about what’s going on.
What are the two lies?
On one hand we have the “Great Reset”, led by the World Economic Forum, Yuval Harari, Bill Gates, and the technocrats. They want to convince shareholders, executives, politicians, and corrupt officials everywhere that they can socially engineer a new future of total control by creating technological solutions and steady policy shifts. This is the dream of World Federation. This is a lie because technology and policy are both doomed to fail when they meet genuine popular resistance. It’s a known fact that low-level engineers, crime lords, police officers, and logistics workers can destroy any technological plan from the inside out when things are rotten enough.
On the other hand, we have the “Great Awakening”, led by an assortment of freedom loving patriots, military veterans, journalists, gurus, and populists. They want to convince the average scared person that modern society is completely hopeless, because evil people are way too powerful to be resisted through steady, rational, legal, and normal methods, and so the only solution is to riot, rage, get hysterical, and jump to a new spirituality. Those who want to survive have to go off grid and develop their own communities, shedding the dead weight of modern society and becoming a lean fighting force, able to protect themselves and last long enough to rebuild from the ashes of the coming apocalypse. They often love Bitcoin and other “decentralized” options for opting out of the modern economy. Of course, they are only distracting from any sane response to this gradual conspiracy of corruption.
In between we have the US military. Their role in the Aquarian Conspiracy can be directly connected to Jim Channon (and I suspect Steve Pieczenik, the man behind Alex Jones), the visionary behind the First Earth Battalion. He was a genius who gave direction and credibility to the West Coast hippie scene as it was in danger of dying out, mobilizing dumb rich progressives as foot soldiers of a plan to take over American institutions and ruin them; all in the name of saving Mother Earth. His early ideas were unsophisticated, calling for the military to officially reorganize itself as a global support system for a Great Awakening, as transhumanism and the paranormal were demonstrated for the lemmings. But his goals remained the same even as he got smarter: he saw the military as a vehicle for re-engineering society to be more oriental, mystical, and theosophical, and needed to appeal to culture and information warfare rather than force. TV shows like The X-Files used his playbook perfectly, depicting the Pentagon as the gatekeepers of spiritual secrets which could transform the world for the better, but only at the cost of an apocalypse.
Collapse is convergence
No matter which story you listen to, it’s all headed for the same thing. Neofeudalism, subsistence living, and a massive culling of the herd in increasingly devastating world events. From the ashes of modern society comes a Brave New World, where experts pull the strings but everyone outside their sphere of influence is reduced to utterly primal subsistence.
The Great Reset story accepts all of this as the price to pay for finally getting rid of the “useless eaters” — the “consumers” who provide almost nothing to an advanced technological society, but must be policed, cared for, and catered to, bogging down the whole system that would otherwise thrive. The Aquarian Age is going to destroy the useless lower classes and leave the nepotistic, cushy upper crust alone.
The Great Awakening story accepts all of this as the horrific downfall of a corrupt empire, but hopes for a brighter tomorrow as people finally learn to discard the comforts of modernity and get tough. Traditional gender roles, deep-seated spirituality, and open-minded cooperation between the survivors will ensure that they can carve out a healthy but basic lifestyle far away from the dystopian cities where technocrats rule. The Aquarian Age is going to break the grip of the elite over the rural communities and lower classes, allowing them to fend for themselves while the lazy, nepotistic, cushy upper crust tries in vain to ascend to godhood.
Either way, the convergence happens with the collapse.
The X Factor
The top tier of social engineers (who will always be military intelligence) know perfectly well how to create a false dichotomy, or a Hegelian dialectic. Steve Pieczenik brags about doing this for the Left and Right on his interviews with Alex Jones. He says there needs to be a “devolution of power” so that there is essentially only the military (led by Trump) and local governments. No more Constitution, Supreme Court, Congress, Senate, FBI, CIA, NSA, DEA, or other alphabet agencies. The First Earth Battalion can only truly happen after a collapse like this.
Elon Musk and Big Tech are, of course, puppets of this corporate-military merger (really, the “Military-Industrial Complex” in a very literal sense) and are fighting to prove to their DARPA daddy that they can be trusted with secret technology and nefarious conspiracies. Elon Musk’s “X” app is meant to be the answer to Google’s “Alphabet”, which is theoretically rivaled by Facebook’s “Metaverse”. They get permission to mess with society in order introduce military systems into everyday life under the banner of innovation. The red flags around Big Tech, meanwhile, are meant to serve as red pills, warning people to flee to the countryside and get farming. Again, they play both sides.
The real X factor—the thing Satan can never account for—is the Holy Spirit, which exposes lies and prepares believers for what’s next. We can expose both sides and prepare for the real apocalypse, which will follow on the heels of their Green World Order of depopulation.
In the movie Things To Come this was literal, as long range rockets hadn’t been invented yet and Wells thought it was more realistic to shoot astronauts to the moon with a gigantic cannon.
Very interesting, thank you and a tack that few are taking. To take your views a little further, what do you suggest we do about what is happening? Don't comply and use existing structures as they were intended? The trouble is the legal and political systems are "captured" but I guess there are elements within them that would not comply as they are normal folks like us.
Look into Ron DeSantis backers - Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and Reid Hoffman - and see what they are up to. You already mentioned Musk here, think Neuralink, having hardware (augmentation) in your brain. Then everything Thiel is doing with Palantir (all seeing eye software, close to Minority Report pre-crime). And Reid Hoffman, well I don’t know what he’s up to. I do know he is big on election interference. So you have one satanist, one gay “conservative” satanist, and a Jew, all from PayPal.
These goobers want a lot more power, and free rein for their transhumanist Deus Ex cyberpunk dystopia ideals (and software, and resulting government contracts and MONEY), and they see a DeSantis presidency as a way to get it.
They are all backing DeSantis, with “unlimited funding”. I think your fixation on trump is completely off base.
And I know this comment is not directly on-topic, I just feel like a piece is missing from your political analysis and you’ve shoved Trump in there, when it’s a round peg square hole situation.