I don't always agree with you, but I like the way you think. I have not heard this take on the drone scare. This is as plausible as any other take and more plausible than most. Hadn't thought of it.
I vacillate back and forth on whether Trump is legit or not. Sometimes I think he's on our side and then I remember operation Warp Speed and his continual and persistent support of it to this very day. Even if he was duped into supporting the bio scam one would think that he would signal some regret, but Trump is proud man with tons of ego. Then I remember what the Bible says about pride and a haughty spirit.
A few thoughts, ranging from boring to wildly interesting.
1. There is no purpose for the drones, other have them there for general distraction and confusion. There is no ulterior motive or reason beyond the utter bizarre confusion generated from the event.
2. Very much related to one, the amount of drones is there to normalize coming reality for all people in the west who will be surveilled and controlled through advanced T.
3. Things get spicy. The drones, equipped with machine guns and military equipment, will just start opening fire on people in the streets. Gun fire, or radiation, will be used to generate war against the people, which will then be promptly blamed on Iran or Russia/china (likely Iran) to stir the people with prop for war against Iran at the bidding of Israel.
4. Given the UFO narrative, perhaps there really are ET’s (fallen angels and demons as we know as believers) sprinkled into the mix of drones. Many of the images genuinely look extra dimensional, which, given what we know from Alice Bailey and the theosophists, perhaps the Ascended Masters really are preparing to break through modernity and lead us into the Aquarian age.
Anyways, one thing we do know for sure is the gov is lying. Their practiced lines of “we don’t know what’s going on, but trust us” is, after Covid and forced vaccination of the death shots, so insane and outlandish only people truly caught in the matrix cannot see behind these lies.
re. "perhaps... we have found a new unity against the psyop machine itself."
Per the God-sent "strong delusion" of 2nd Thessalonians 2:11 (and context), the truth-suppression dynamic Paul lays out in Romans 1:18+ (which began in Genesis 3), and the Truth-rejecting sweep of all four gospel accounts (most notably, John 8), the ONLY durable unity against the current psyop machine--or any other--is (and always has been) the God-given, grace-alone, Holy Spirit indwelling new-birth and renewed/renewing heart/mind inclusion in the body/bride of Christ, the singular God-man.
Any other unity, e.g., intellectual or political comradeship in the endless task of ferreting-out all the dark creepy-crawlies from the proverbial mud, is a unity with a death-and-judgment timer on it.
First the population vanishes, the remainder of folks are crammed into cities "for their protection" and to get to the new vacation spots and reservations,,, you drive your own sky car. Duh.
I don't always agree with you, but I like the way you think. I have not heard this take on the drone scare. This is as plausible as any other take and more plausible than most. Hadn't thought of it.
I vacillate back and forth on whether Trump is legit or not. Sometimes I think he's on our side and then I remember operation Warp Speed and his continual and persistent support of it to this very day. Even if he was duped into supporting the bio scam one would think that he would signal some regret, but Trump is proud man with tons of ego. Then I remember what the Bible says about pride and a haughty spirit.
A few thoughts, ranging from boring to wildly interesting.
1. There is no purpose for the drones, other have them there for general distraction and confusion. There is no ulterior motive or reason beyond the utter bizarre confusion generated from the event.
2. Very much related to one, the amount of drones is there to normalize coming reality for all people in the west who will be surveilled and controlled through advanced T.
3. Things get spicy. The drones, equipped with machine guns and military equipment, will just start opening fire on people in the streets. Gun fire, or radiation, will be used to generate war against the people, which will then be promptly blamed on Iran or Russia/china (likely Iran) to stir the people with prop for war against Iran at the bidding of Israel.
4. Given the UFO narrative, perhaps there really are ET’s (fallen angels and demons as we know as believers) sprinkled into the mix of drones. Many of the images genuinely look extra dimensional, which, given what we know from Alice Bailey and the theosophists, perhaps the Ascended Masters really are preparing to break through modernity and lead us into the Aquarian age.
Anyways, one thing we do know for sure is the gov is lying. Their practiced lines of “we don’t know what’s going on, but trust us” is, after Covid and forced vaccination of the death shots, so insane and outlandish only people truly caught in the matrix cannot see behind these lies.
I appreciate the comment. We do have to keep an open mind
re. "perhaps... we have found a new unity against the psyop machine itself."
Per the God-sent "strong delusion" of 2nd Thessalonians 2:11 (and context), the truth-suppression dynamic Paul lays out in Romans 1:18+ (which began in Genesis 3), and the Truth-rejecting sweep of all four gospel accounts (most notably, John 8), the ONLY durable unity against the current psyop machine--or any other--is (and always has been) the God-given, grace-alone, Holy Spirit indwelling new-birth and renewed/renewing heart/mind inclusion in the body/bride of Christ, the singular God-man.
Any other unity, e.g., intellectual or political comradeship in the endless task of ferreting-out all the dark creepy-crawlies from the proverbial mud, is a unity with a death-and-judgment timer on it.
this may or may not be true. I dont know what to think
First the population vanishes, the remainder of folks are crammed into cities "for their protection" and to get to the new vacation spots and reservations,,, you drive your own sky car. Duh.