Sep 17Liked by Terry Wolfe

Yes this article made perfect sense to me. The internalisation of Christianity is essential. As our Saviour Jesus said and you reminded us 'foundational'. It is after all, spending eternity with God or eternity in hell.

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Jul 30·edited Aug 3Liked by Terry Wolfe

I sit here stunned for the 1st time reading anything outside the bible, almost out of breath, and have 1 word pounding my mind and heart ... PROFOUND. Terry, this short piece is probably the most profound and deep writing I've ever outside the bible seen in my 50+ year journey. I hope more than ever I get to meet you in Panama. Godspeed. Thanks.

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You're renewing my interest in going there. I would like to meet you and the others there.

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Hope it works. If it helps, there are plenty of other Canadians here, eh. Also, I made a tiny edit to my post by adding "outside the bible," even though you probably figured that's what I meant. I didn't want you or anyone else thinking I was a respecter of man above the Lord. Separately, I've enjoyed seeing and listening to your thoughts on the timing of Christ's return. It sounds like we have in common that His return can be very soon. With your preterist view, it could be any day. With my pre-wrath view, the desolation could be any day, with Christ obviously returning about 3.5 years later. I'm curious, have you ever changed your mind on a deeply held belief? The following site is by far the best I've ever seen on this topic. I had not been pre-wrath until I studied it, even though I was skeptical I'd change my mind. I think you'd really enjoy it, even if it solidifies your ideas. Here are 2 key pages, though I have to warn you hopefully will get pulled into more of the site (as friends have), because it's so uniquely thorough. https://revelationlogic.com/articles/the-70th-week-of-daniel/ and https://revelationlogic.com/articles/revelation-overview/

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All incoming ideas are not the same. The self-gratifying ones are easily assimilated. The other-centered, self-sacrificing ones, not so much.

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It makes sense. It is perhaps the difference between people being 'believers' and Christ wanting to make disciples.

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What's the biblical reason for not acting in the world to try and stop the madness? I'm not saying to try and stop biblical prophecy or anything like that, but why do we need to accept everything falling to crap? It's like that "this is fine. I'm okay with what's happening" meme where the dog sits in a burning room with a cup of coffee. It makes no sense

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You can affect your personal life, local things, and if you get people together you can change some regional things. But this world is fundamentally corrupt. We are called to be lights in the darkness, not try to rid the darkness itself.

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What makes this all the more difficult is that there is no immediate feedback for incorrect thinking. Especially if all your thoughts are made up in the safety of your mind.

What is the significance of this? People would have to live by convinction alone and even then, the conviction comes in at varying degrees in which some can be ignored if you give it time and other convictions get immediate feedback.

I would like to consider this a flaw a reality since Christians are the ones who NEED to Holy Spirit to perpetual guide them to do what is right.

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On the other hand, God loves to help us and seemingly intended mankind to be dependent on Him from the beginning. It's kind of like having a pet or a child, you don't mind that they're less intelligent than you, and you appreciate them for simply trusting you.

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