This is a Thought Experiment on the current trajectory of Trump’s global vision of a North American Union that controls all of the major trade routes, and how this prospect ties into the fulfillment of the prophecy of Babylon the Harlot described in Revelation.
UPDATE: Mere minutes after publishing this post, I just noticed this story making the rounds. What an incredible turn of events indeed. Here’s a quote from Trump about wanting Gaza to be “cleaned out”:
“I’d rather get involved with some of the Arab nations and build housing at a different location where they can maybe live in peace for a change,” Trump said to reporters aboard Air Force One on Saturday.
“You’re talking about probably a million and a half people, and we just clean out that whole thing and say, ‘You know, it’s over,’” he added.
You will see the significance of this below.
The Beast Hungers
Trump wants to illegally steal the Panama Canal from the sovereign nation, “taking it back” with escalating threats. This is not a random economic maneuver, nor is it based on genuine concern about China restricting traffic in the region. Panama is fully complying with the agreement to keep the canal neutral, and the fearmongering by Trump is a flimsy pretext. This is a strategic chess move which will America to do exactly what it pretends China is doing: cut off anyone who tries to stop American imperialism in the coming years of unabashed conquest. They will need this leverage when the world looks on in horror at the crimes against humanity that will be committed in the name of American exceptionalism.
America is the current incarnation of the Beast System described in prophecy. More specifically, it fulfills the “Image of the Beast”1 and the “Mark of the Beast” prophecies. America was part of the “Renaissance,” which was about deliberately hearkening back to the original Beast, the Roman Empire.2 As such, America is a Greco-Roman style government (ie. a constitutional republic with a Senate and elections), and it prides itself on behaving the same way, creating a hegemony too powerful to fight against. It controls global trade using tariffs, sanctions, and threats. It demonizes those who will not take the Mark of the Beast, preventing them from buying and selling internationally, creating their own gold-backed currency, or achieving real independence from their system, no matter whether they are a big or small nation, like little Panama. My book on Revelation explores this in greater context already, if you’re interested. I also wrote a short booklet explaining how the Roman Empire fulfilled Daniel’s vision of a hungering beast that never stopped trying to expand its territory.
Here’s a clip of Trump insisting that he will steal the canal, followed by a senator trying to pass a bill to get the process underway, forcing Chinese businesses out of the canal so that America can have a monopoly.
Trump needs as many advantages as possible for the biggest play of them all: the Ben Gurion Canal project. If Trump can achieve this, we will truly enter the endgame of prophecy and there will be no turning back.
In two previous posts, I explored the possibility that the destruction of Gaza was meant to clear the path for the canal, and that there are other transnational corridors being proposed around the Middle East which are creating a sense of urgency among the Pentagon planners…
But wait until you see what Trump said when asked about Gaza recently!
Babylon the Harlot
Trump was asked about the “ceasefire” and decided to voluntarily open up about how Gaza needs to be “rebuilt in a different way” and “beautiful things could be done with it.” He bluntly states that most of the people in Gaza are dead, and that you can’t have the same people running it anymore. What does this add up to, dear reader?
The Ben Gurion Canal is the ultimate American-Zionist power play, fulfilling the wildest dreams of the British Empire before it. By controlling the arctic via Greenland and Canada, the western hemisphere with Panama, and the Mediterranean Sea with Gaza simultaneously, Trump’s incoming North American Union would dominate global trade and be able to set the terms.
Complicating this matter is Israel, as usual. As I remarked in the post above, Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu are not actually friends, much like how America and Israel are not actually friends. They are using each other in the most cynical, transactional way possible, while smiling and posturing for the public. Israel has gestured to Russia several times in recent years as support from America has looked unreliable, and if you know their history it should be no surprise. Israel was run by diehard Soviets before it became pro-American out of desperation for cash. It has been selling American technology and secrets from the beginning of the relationship, and the Pentagon hates Israel almost as much as it needs to keep it happy to prevent them from switching partners.
This is the background of the other major prophetic mystery of Revelation: Babylon the Mother of Harlots. As I described in my book in much more detail, Jerusalem will eventually fulfill the prophecy of the mysterious woman clothed in scarlet, who rides on top of the Beast as if she were a queen, although she is actually a dirty whore who fornicates with the rulers of the world. The Beast—America—will give its support to the Whore—Jerusalem—and protect it from danger as it luxuriates as the richest nation in the history of the world. Jerusalem will do business deals with every nation who wishes to use the Ben Gurion Canal, and will drown in riches as a result. They will import and export every conceivable commodity. And if they have their way, they will also control the world’s global digital currency.
If you have read my books, you already know my interpretation that Jerusalem plays the dual roles of Zion and Babylon in prophecy. It is simultaneously the city Jesus will save from the ten kingdom conspiracy at the very end, but also the “Great City” that is destroyed by an earthquake, and which rulers over the nations before that, making the merchants rich. This juxtaposition is hard for most Christians to understand because Zionism has created a false narrative that Israel is unconditionally blessed by God, while antisemitism has created a false narrative that Christians are supposed to conquer and rule Israel themselves, or that Jews are forsaken by God.
Consider supporting me and buying the book to get a deep study of this subject, as a Substack post is not sufficient to go over the interconnected Bible verses. I believe we will see these things come to pass in our lifetimes, and I am excited for it.3
One could say it “models” the Beast, or “imitates” it.
There were actually three beast kingdoms before that: Neo-Babylon, Persia, and Greece. But these are trivialized by the sheer immensity and terror of the fourth beast described in Daniel. It is only this fourth beast kingdom that is referenced in Revelation, showing how it is essentially the true and final beast kingdom, like no other.
Of course, as the title of the book suggests, maybe everyone is wrong, including me.
I have a question about this “Jews are foresaken by God”. Are the Jews not forsaken in the sense that until they repent and take Christ as their lord they do not have everlasting life? They can commit endless sin and still be the “chosen” people. I can’t figure out how those pieces all fit together. It’s almost like Jehovah and God are not the same entity.