The Aquarian Conspiracy, which Marilyn Ferguson called “The Movement That Has No Name,” is a multi-billion-dollar industry of mysticism, cult-building, and grift. It’s called the “spiritual community,” or the “esoteric disclosure community,” but to Christians it should be recognized as Big Satanism.
The Gaia Network is a one-stop shop for this kind of junk, and one of their biggest content creators was Corey Goode. He helped create their Cosmic Disclosure series. If you want a sense of it, you can watch former Playboy model-turned-podcaster Jenny McCarthy tumble down the rabbit hole with guests Corey Goode and his fiction co-writer David Wilcock. They ramble on about time travel, billions of clones colonizing the galaxy, alien technology, etc. as if it were factual knowledge they’re simply sharing.
The video has 248,000 views on YouTube and the comments are overwhelmingly positive. They are not mocking her for getting involved in this stupidity. Here’s a few of the comments I saw near the top:
New found respect Jenny! So Glad you’re in the fight with us for truth!.. and so awesome you are helping these two amazing guys get word out on more of a mainstream channel. Kudos x 100. —Cal Urso
I have been teaching Ascension for 30+ years! This is exciting that this is coming to light. —Rodasi Ishaya
Hey Jenny, so glad to see that you are helping educate the masses with interviews such as this. I can relate to some of Corey’s experiences as I was suddenly awakened Aug. 1, 1987 while reading Whitley Strieber’s book Communion. The life-changing series of (metaphysical) events that followed led me from a “normal” life to one of marvelous spiritual openings and growth, leading eventually to channeling many Beings of Light, writing a channeled book about Earth Changes and going on to channel Sananda, Ashtar and many other worldly beings who oversee different areas of how our Earth activities affect other realms of being. Just like Corey, I quit direct communications at some point but continue to be “trained” during the sleep state. I think many of us are being called upon at this time… on the brink of Disclosure… to reactivate our connections and help mankind make it through the coming changes here on Earth. —Sandi Sheppard
Clearly, most of the comments are from Gaia subscribers who watched the video because of the Corey and David, not because of Jenny. These guys have gained a diehard following of disciples who preach the same gospel. However, this factual presentation of secret truth is much different from what we found out during Corey Goode’s public deposition related to a lawsuit with Gaia network, after they had a falling out over money:
This is a nearly 7-hour interview, but if you have the time to watch, it’s fascinating. At the 1 hour point they start to talk about the nebulous, fluid nature of the esoteric disclosure community’s business deals. According to Corey, they prefer for there to be no lawyers, accountants, contracts, or paper trails for anything. It’s an honor system. This is ideal for con-men and fraudsters, and Corey was apparently sick and tired of getting ripped off by them. (I don’t feel sorry for scammers getting scammed.) He says their disclosure propaganda is actually his own “intellectual property” and that he invented the Secret Space Program, the Dark Fleet, and other notions promoted by Gaia as genuine disclosure of government secrets. They have made billions of dollars off of his work and he wants his share.
Talk of the fuzzy nature of Gaia’s business then transitions into a discussion of valuation. According to Corey Goode, his fake disclosure grift alone was valued at a billion dollars by Hollywood producers. He also sold member courses on spirituality which generated millions of dollars per year, and he knew others who were also making hundreds of thousands of dollars with theirs.
The tricky part, he found out, was keeping the “Elders” of the community happy. Since everything in their world runs on herd mentality, uncited sources, and secrecy, they have the power to destroy a creator’s reputation instantly by spreading rumors and turning their back to a person. Suddenly their money printing machine dries up. Hence the lawsuit.
At 2:38:25 the interviewer begins to ask him about his supposed encounters with aliens and off-world intelligences, which is even more comical. Corey argues that his story about being a child soldier in the Secret Space Program is “true,” but it’s only “true” in the sense that it’s a unique form of delusion (his words) that he has dramatized creatively. So, all those concepts talked about in the Jenny McCarthy interview are actually fiction he owns the rights to. However, he insists that he really was taken to a military base as a child and recruited into the space program, and so were others. When the interviewer argues that others might have the same experiences and therefore can freely speak about (and monetize) their own stories about such events, he then switches gears and compares it to Star Wars and Star Trek, where a person can derive their own fan fiction from an official product, but they can’t monetize it without a license.
How mystical is America?
I’m not sure anyone has sufficiently realized just how occult and mystical America is by now (except maybe Carl Teichrib). Baby Boomers and Generation X both had their period of spiritual ponderance, but they largely stuck with traditional religion or materialism. Think of George Carlin and Carl Sagan, mocking religion and replacing it with nothing but cynicism or science. Millennials were on course to follow this same pattern, but they were different in one meaningful way: they were deeply interested in conspiracy theories, and independent research. They stopped trusting authorities, but they still wanted to cite credible sources. Until COVID-19, the power of Millennial skepticism was breaking the system by exposing lies and elevating better sources. They couldn’t tolerate this.
Millennials created the alternative media by tuning out of the mainstream, supporting independent creators online, and voting with our attention spans. COVID-19 was the ultimate psyop to recapture the information war, by muting all dissent, all skepticism, and all independent journalism along mainstream lines, while simultaneously flooding the Internet with New Age grifters claiming to be the heroes of the people. They were positioned to be the “alternative,” with their holistic medicine, anti-vaccine activism, and radical, unfounded conspiracy theories. Thus, they leapfrogged all rational skepticism and stole the spotlight.
During the lockdowns, hundreds of millions of people who used to mindlessly watch TV and attend sports events were suddenly bored at home, bombarded by Trump’s bullshit daily briefings and new fake death tolls. Of course they turned to TikTok and social media for something different. Joe Rogan’s podcast was a big winner, and his fake controversy about Ivermectin helped solidify him as a “victim” of the mainstream censorship system. He invited on wackos, fraudsters, and New Age grifters galore during this period. In the end, it was a pincer attack on American intellectuals, funneling people into the mystical world of “esoteric disclosure”—what Corey Goode has also called “conspiracy world.”
Disillusioned Baby Boomers, Gen-Xers, and and Zoomers who were too lazy to do their own research were now being invited to Telegram channels, Rumble videos, and alternative sources that spoon fed them the “TruTh TheY dOn’T wAnT yoU to KnOw”™ about Tartaria, Sacred Geometry, Spiritual Alchemy, and the “Ancient Secrets” that mystics always employ.
Do not be fooled. The Powers That Be knew that the mainstream media was beyond saving for a decade before 2020—having been propped up by Chinese bot farms and fake accounting to hide the bleeding—and they made a power play to shove the masses into the black hole of freeform occultism instead. There are billions of dollars to be made in the fake conspiracy world, and the apparent chaos of it all is only a smokescreen. Behind the scenes are “Elders” who pull the strings, as Corey Goode pointed out. These “Elders” are the same people behind the spiritually reborn Donald Trump, who enjoyed a landslide victory after his “miracle” of surviving the “assassination attempt.”
Joe Rogan has officially been recognized as America’s kingmaker by CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and the New York Times. Technocracy Inc.’s favorite son, Elon Musk, is likewise receiving his accolades from the Enemy. Just like that, the billionaire “bros” who have been selling dick pills, Theosophy, and brain implants are getting patted on the back by the greatest propaganda machine in history for their fair and legitimate victory. No Russian collusion this time. No disinformation. Just a time of reflection for the Democrats and the MSM, as they seek to earn the trust of the people again.
If you don’t see what’s going on here, you need to learn about the Green Rider of Revelation and the coming time of Neofeudalist Spiritual Technocracy.
Thank you to all readers and especially supporters. Let me know your thoughts.
Mormons are (were?) also a big part of the American mysticism industry, they conquered at least two states; Utah and Idaho. There's so many similarities between any modern religious invention, but the ones that disguise themselves as Christian are especially worth watching out for. Some similarities of Mormonism and Gaia, Inc:
The truth known long ago lost, but now restored! (by Joseph Smith, of course)
Advanced ancient civilization destroyed! (i.e. Meso Americans)
Magical instruments and rituals of truth that resonate with spiritual entities inside you! (i.e. B.o.M., Intelligences, Sacraments)
Priestly class of decision-makers! (literally called "Elders")
Looks like enlightenment from outside, runs like a business inside! (please ignore the speculative investments we make with your tithing)
I could go on and on, 😂 lol. Good article, thanks Terry.
"But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. "
(Romans 8:37-39)