This old meat suit is sore this morning, but I'm vibrating at a semi-reasonable frequency after my coffee, and enjoying this great article. The pseudoscience IS everywhere. I'm glad you are willing and able to point out the corpulent, naked emperor, strolling merrily down the boulevard.

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Jun 7Liked by Terry Wolfe

The Lucifer Trust (now renamed the Lucis Trust) also publishes the UN's documentation.

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Correct, and they've even tried to deny their history. But we have the receipts!

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Claims that "consciousness affects the material world in crazy ways" sound rather like "magic".

Yes, Quantum Stupidity. Quantum Mechanics simply doesn't make sense. Even Einstein got that right.

It's just as well. Imagine the trouble we could find ourselves in if "science" actually understood how things work. Look at all the damage it has already caused with the partial understanding that it offers. I believe God has intervened to ensure that science can go only so far and no further. Otherwise I can't make sense of the irrationality of science.

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Interesting discussion. I read and really connected The Holographic Universe, and also Rupert Sheldrakes The Science Delusion, finding both books fairly similar in their explanation for the parapsychological (as Sheldrake calls it). Strangley though, i found the arguments in the book were pushing me more towards a devine intelligence, but i can also see how it would push some towards the theosophical view. I am aware the the lucifarian publishing company and that woman who's name i forget and the way they push this Gaia crap. The poblem is, for those, like myself, who have been brought up without religion, their arguments seem as strong (or strange depending on your perspective) as the religious arguments. People either need to be brinwashed in to something or reasoned. I like to think I come in to latter camp, and i find your arguments most reasonable.

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There are very intriguing arguments in Theosophy, that's why it's so important to point out the deceptive claim to be "science". They are grappling with spiritual mysteries just like every other religion, but they want to have a monopoly on which version of "science" is correct. Not unlike "Scientology"... Maybe I need to write about that connection next.

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A most excellent write-up!!! Right on the money!

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It's popping up everywhere, I had to say something.

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Natural law dictates that any behavior allowed to go on long enough will reveal whether or not it is for the good of a healthy society. Prior to the Bible the ancients knew this as they wrestled with man domination of man versus man under our Creator.

Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. All wisdom didn’t come from the Bible, which was put together by scribes working for various Emperors and Kings. A lot of Truth in the Bible, but God’s Word is available to everyone regardless of location and time.

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Can you point me towards the best historic example of a society governed by the ancients and their natural law?

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The Greeks city states and philosophers used natural law as a guide.

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Good write/analysis, Terry...

Most of these concepts/ideas, come from Kabbala.

Kabbala science...

'Something from nothing'

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Instead of ordo ab chao, it’s ordo ab nilum. Both concepts contribute to the current philosophical a la carte theosophical disaster land we see in the New Age Great Awakening crowd.

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Jun 9Liked by Terry Wolfe

Yep, or as we modern youth call it, pulling it out of thin air or out of their butts

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