By falling away do you mean just not believing in The Bible and Jesus is the son of God anymore? Or being cowards under persecution? What is a Christian just sits it out with our getting embroiled in it all and keeps their head down, focus on bringing up kids, homeschooling etc simple life

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Thought question: Although there will be a falling away with many weak Christians, do you see a spiritual revival with many non-christians becoming believers during our persecution? Do you see many regular muslims converting?

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What (who?) is pseudo-Pike please?

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Excellent Piece Terry. This video below is now 10 years old but I still find it interesting. Prof Francis Gil-White is now also on Substack. this is 15 minutes & has a follow up . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9ReF4UUa4E&list=WL&index=84&t=29s

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