I am very much convinced by your thesis, Terry, and have become more skillful in picking up early vibes of new-age-y-ness in people who seem to be on our side, since your warnings. Previously, I used to think 'well, at least they're half-way there, because they're not materialists', but now I tend to leave them by the wayside because (a) there are too many people to read anyway and (b) it's good to progressively shed the dross and the distractions and concentrate on the real stuff. I like the Substacker '(Lies are) Unbekoming', for instance, who has done some excellent interviews and book summaries on virology, vaccination, nutrition and similar topics, but who also likes - and gives exposure to - the new-age 'spiritual' writers too. I find it annoying because when I find someone like that who has so much good stuff, I'd like to share the incontrovertible information (about the real history of vaccination, for example), but I hesitate to nudge a normie towards a site where, if they delve further, they're going to find all the kumbaya one-world spiritual union stuff as well. And atheists/agnostics are more likely to be tempted by a false 'spirituality' that involves no sacrifice but makes them feel good.

Were it not for James Delingpole's podcast, I would not even have come across your writing, so I'm grateful to James too!

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I am convinced on my journey with the Holy Spirit that these are indeed the End Times. The 'Rectification' will run it's course, because the Divine is in charge, is always in charge, of everything. The covid con, the climate change hoax, both key tests of faith and discernment in the Great Winnowing. I agree with you on what you say here Terry. Thank you.

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oops, meant to say last three paragraphs on the mark for who you both are - and what believers are to face going forward (stay true to the Cross of course)

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Most thought-filled, informative writeup this morn - last three paragraphs

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